Sunday, July 25, 2010


Hello Everyone, I have been missing in action for some time now and must apologize for that. Had a computer problem and could not find my way back here as my home page was deleted by the tech support. I have it written down and in a safe place now. I have also had a lot of inspiration from the many blogs I follow. Since I just drew a blank after thinking of Janet and captains daughter I forgot the rest. I must do some research and make a list so I can do this properly. I still have not figured out how to post pictures with the steps to make a tutorial so I can't share the ribbon birds yet. I can only take a picture to show you. It will go on another page of this blog with a comment explaining the story behind it.
I have been enjoying Face Book and reconnecting with old friends and extended family. My son has given me the gift of seeing his photos he has taken in the Adirondacks through FBI. I get to see pictures of my grandchildren that I haven't seen before. We all know how busy Mom's are.
Now to the picture on the window... My daughter put it on her fireplace mantle with two different starfish sitting with it. Her beach theme is now complete. She LOVED it and that made me feel so good knowing that I gave her something that will still be here when I am gone. As with all the gifts I make my children and grandchildren. That is what means the most to loved ones. Not the stuff we buy out of the stores that cost a fortune but the simple things that we make from the heart is what makes them remember out gift. I usually start very early for Christmas gift making to get everyone taken care of. I found a tutorial for those biscuit quilts(that is what I knew them as back then).I could never figure out the directions as they were printed so I never made one and I have a daughter that wanted one so bad. I saw part 1 of the project and knew I can do this now.I also found what I have been waiting for so long. The answer to a question I asked a sweet lady who went to Africa. I have been waiting so long and she answered me here where I couldn't get back to til now.:) There is a reason I know and now I can start on that project. There are children there that have needs that we take for granted. I am so thankful I was led to her blog as an answer to prayer. I have prayed for a long time for God to lead me to where he wants me to use his gift and do something for children. I read her comment and now I am certain this is the will of God that put us in contact with each other. You know a gift is not a gift until you give it away. I want to give as much as I can.
Well I hope you all understand that I didn't mean to neglect this blog and will continue a weekly posting with a few extra sprinkled in here and there. Until the next time I leave you with Just This...Alice